Made it to Thailand!

I got a van to the border of Cambodia and Thailand. To get the van I went to about 4 different tourist companies asking if they had a vans going that afternoon. All four said no. I decided to give it one last go at another shop and the guy at the counter made a phone call to who knows, but he told me they would be there at 2:10pm.

At about 2:50pm the van shows up and I get in. It was just a standard mini van nothing special. I am surveying the other passengers and it’s a weird mix. I’m the only white person, but there is a couple with a kid and then a teenager and two grandparent aged people as well. As we are riding it occurred to me that this wasn’t a tourist company, but that tour salesman had actually just hooked me up on a ride with some local family headed that way.

We made a couple stops a long the way and at one rode side stop everyone in the family bought a bunch of dinner-type food. The grandpa of the family even offered me some food! My best guess was that it was pork blood wrapped in bacon. It was delicious!

At the border I walked acrossed and went into imigration. I had my passport open with the 2 month visa showing. The border agent ignored it and stamped me in for a month anyways. So I guess that visa is still valid. When I do my first border run I’ll make sure to have them use it when I re-enter.

Then got on a bus to Bangkok! Arrived in Bangkok around midnight. I walked probably an hour and a half in a down pour to the cheapest hostel. There I found out I had no money… I hadn’t yet gotten the local currency. Luckily, the lady let me pay her in the morning!

That day was the only day I spent in Bangkok so I made a speed tour of the sights and got on my bus for Krabi so I could do some beach relaxing and island hopping.

Next after my 15 hour bus journey I’ll fill you in on my beach bumming!

Made it to Thailand!